Advantages of Chiropractic Pelvic Adjustment In Pregnancy


A safe, relatively easy delivery is something that every expectant mother and her family pray for. No one desires complications during pregnancy, or during childbirth. Every healthcare provider dealing with an expectant mother - the ob-gyn doctor, the midwives in rural areas, facilities - all aim to ensure that mother and child are healthy. As far as possible, you want the delivery to be natural to give your baby a literal head start in life. Your pre-natal checkups should indicate whether the baby has been able to grow appropriately, or whether she has suffered any adversity from in-utero constraint.

Chiropractic Care Is One of the Best Preventative Measures During Pregnancy

Difficulties arise when your sacral area is unable to adapt to the increasing size of the uterus, and weight of the baby. Sometime, the child does not get enough space in which to turn. The Webster technique, developed by Dr. Larry Webster, D.C., facilitates normal neuro-biomechanical function to eliminate pelvic and sacral misalignments, also called subluxations. This technique seeks to correct the misalignment of the sacrum in the pelvic basin. Such misalignments can place undue stress on the ligaments supporting the uterus, or twist the uterus to create a restrictive space for the baby. Typically, the baby should have moved to the vertex position, that is, head down, by the 34th week of the gestation. However, the chiropractor will not try to change the position of the fetus manually, or otherwise.

Avoid a Caesarean Section

Most women prefer not to go for a C-section delivery as they are aware of the long term effects on the health of both mother and child. Some researchers have even attributed the low immunity found in some children to their surgical birth. They have opined that a child who hasn’t struggled to arrive lacks a natural ability to combat adversities, including infections. Certainly, it has been found that expectant mothers who opted for chiropractic pelvic adjustments early in the pregnancy benefited significantly. In the majority of such cases, a breech presentation was avoided.

Manage Pain Better, and Without Medication

Aching legs, cramps, pain in the lower back and hips are common enough during pregnancy. These can be managed better through chiropractic care. Most analgesic medication have many adverse side effects, especially during pregnancy. Pelvic adjustment not only enables your spine to support the excess weight better; you gain improved pelvic balance which reflects in your gait. It can also relieve muscular spasms, and decrease your chances of going into premature labor.


Garden of Health family Chiropractic is a family chiropractic center NY who provides pregnancy chiropractic adjustment


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